EA has no choice but to go to the 2nd round with no TE or Safety taken opening night and even worse, only 1 TE taken in the first 90 picks.
Other then the free one {if we even get a free one} I cannot see spending the coin anymore.
No mobile speed QB😢, WR or a decent HB.... was great for NMS farm teams
Edited by thedrunkgamer
My guess is all the top 10 picks of the 1st round at least but could also be a good Bit of the 2nd & 3rd round guys time will tell.I also would not be surprise to see all of the 1st round guys made this Year myself.
I think they will pull a Baker this year-I feel Burrow and Ruggs will get over looked Slammer
Na i feel real strong most if Not all the 1st round will get them myself but time will tell in a couple Months i guess.
Wow!! I can’t imagine a Vikings RP-I’d come back for 21
Yeah man i sure they do there was Great Picks in the late 1st round so its why i have a feeling the whole 1st round could/Might get them.Again not confirmed as of yet Just feeling and Hope brother.
I think Simmons-Young-Okudah-Brown-Edwards Helaire are my guesses