
Who are locks for RP?

I think Simmons-Young-Okudah-Brown-Edwards Helaire are my guesses


Young and Simmons for sure


EA has no choice but to go to the 2nd round with no TE or Safety taken opening night and even worse, only 1 TE taken in the first 90 picks.

Other then the free one {if we even get a free one} I cannot see spending the coin anymore.


No mobile speed QB😢, WR or a decent HB.... was great for NMS farm teams

Edited by thedrunkgamer

1 point

My guess is all the top 10 picks of the 1st round at least but could also be a good Bit of the 2nd & 3rd round guys time will tell.I also would not be surprise to see all of the 1st round guys made this Year myself.


I think they will pull a Baker this year-I feel Burrow and Ruggs will get over looked Slammer


Na i feel real strong most if Not all the 1st round will get them myself but time will tell in a couple Months i guess.


Wow!! I can’t imagine a Vikings RP-I’d come back for 21


Yeah man i sure they do there was Great Picks in the late 1st round so its why i have a feeling the whole 1st round could/Might get them.Again not confirmed as of yet Just feeling and Hope brother.