They're not the same boost, it's not just blanket better route running it's situation dependent and animation based.
Route Technician Excels at cut moves while running routes Excels at getting open on last cut move of any route unless covered by a defender with cut-move abilities
Streak Specialist Excels at Streak routes Excels at catching and holding on when running Streak routes
Main thing here is route technician helps on CUTS, so streak wouldn't apply, also it doesn't activate until the break.
Edited by JPHRZ
I think people think too much into these things. It specifically says “cannot stack with itself” you can combine any of them together unless it’s a base one with with the same elite one like pass rush. Route technician will help all routes. Streak specialist only helps streaks.
Route technician gives you better separation. Route specific Specialist / Elite will give you catching and separation boosts
damn so no stacking huh... well i guess route tech helps cover slants and zips and what not so u dont have to use those abilities.
I use it with post/in and flag/out, don't see any reason why it wouldn't work with streak. The specialist gives you better catching, worst case I see the route runner cancelling out and you're still left with the catching boosts on the streaks.
Can you stack route technician with streak specialist?