
I AM buying Madden 21 due to borderline alcoholism.

I've been playing 19 since it came out. I did all the solos on my two teams and all the solo battles on both accounts, PUs at every position (and back ups for more chems) Coach Madden fully maxed out (x2). My problem is I like to drink all day and play meaningless solos, while listening to old school R & B, and 80's hits. I love just sitting there, getting nice and drunk, no pressure,listening to great tunes, while I'm mindlessly gaming. I then go down to the old neighborhood with my last beer and reminisce. I only have 13 solos left to finish Journey Wentz and then I'm all out of solos. 22 tackles away for my additional 300K for getting 1250 Shazier tackles. I still have the last 500 Captain Token solos on the main, but no coins till the end. I got a 15K Quicksell the last time I did it. I do play a couple of H2H games a day too, but not when I'm drunk due to DDA. (Drunk Difficulty Annoyance).Losing really harshes on my mellow, so solos are awesome. Thanks community

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