
GT Mohamed Sanu Sr. Stats & Pic



I didn't see another thread and since there is no search function I have no idea if someone else posted a thread. I saw his card on the AB, must be the creator's card.

Edit: how come my pictures doesn't show up without clicking on them? I post on several car forums and use the BBcode and it works no problem. Do I need to post the direct link or something?


I made a post last week on his stats Creator sold his card on xbox for 8mil last week

Why is his mid better than my RG3?


I’m pretty sure he has 99 carry too for those that like to run their QB.


Yep, i'm looking at the stats now. 83 STR, 99 carry, 99 stiff arm, 86 trucking, 95 jump, 97 BCV, 85 elusiveness, 88 spin, 90 juke, 94 BTK, 98 BSK


I think you're right.. pretty sure seen it posted somewhere when all the GTs were first posted on mutleaks awhile back


He's up there for 5.5M if someone has the itch and an overload of coins to get him early.


Can’t wait


Oh man.. A former Bengal.. I need to take a dozen pics and tell you exactly why if you don't have him, you are playing Madden wrong because my Youtube friend says so.