Xbox Live Gold works for all of your accounts on the same console. It is only actually needed for multi-player, though, so you can play solos and use the AH without having it at all.
Thanks man just created another account. I’m trying to basically transfer most everything I get to my main account. Some challenges only have NAT players though. Any tips on the best challenges/ways to stack players and transfer them to my other account?
I don't have much experience with it this year. I think the best profit might actually be completing the NTL set on all accounts with how low prices will be this weekend. Of solos I suppose gauntlet offers the best rewards but that will require you to transfer players from your main account to get them done with ease.. Remember that most NAT cards can be used for sets to give you something to trade over or sell on the AH.
What is the NTL set? Lol sorry I played mut17 a lot and just got 20 and it’s a lot different to me. Been on the forums and there’s all these acronyms I have no idea what they mean lol 🤦🏻♂️.
Not a bad question since there are, in fact, multiple NTL sets. NTL stands for Night Train Lane - the former NFL CB. The set I am referring to is the master set for TD2 - Theme Diamonds 2. It is very time consuming but potentially quite profitable. If you hate sets, don't bother with it. ;)
Forsure. I’ve watched YouTube videos of how to make coins off sets etc. tried it with the draft promo and traded in a lot of players from it and found if I would have just auctioned them off individually I would have made more coins. But I’ll definitely look into it man thanks.
So I Just got madden 20 about 2 months ago. I’ve been playing mut every night and completed a lot of solo challenges building my chargers theme team up. I’m kind of running out of challenges worth doing and I’ve seen posts about people having another account to trade players/sell to their main account. My question is if I make another account on the same Xbox to do this do I have to pay for live on that account aswell to or will it be linked to my main account so I’m not “double” paying for live to be able to do this?