I've been trying out all the 99s. Most I had poweruped anyway. Right now trying out Walter. Might changed it depending on the ULs this weekend. I ha e 6 more days until I get my second 99.
For the most part I agree with that list...but I would add Mawae and LT to the list.
I had mine on Moss....but didn't notice much difference (I'm a Vikings theme team...so Moss already had 99 speed) so switched it to Champ Bailey.
However, Bailey isn't THAT expensive...so I bought his 99 card and then switched my PU pass to Mawae....he's a BEAST.
My second one will go to LT. (I'm happy with my QB and HBs...so not even slightly interested in Mahomes or Peyton...and as I said above...really don't need it on Moss)
So I finally got to Max level 99 and was pretty excited to get something cool.... What can we even use a 99 power up on?