Roadmaps are cool, until Bioware made EA regret them and now they do not happen anymore.
No; I’m thinking PH and maybe blockbusters in June and RP at the beginning of July. Just guesses though. Maybe they drop journey 4 in there too.
They have to drop Journey. Whatever the top prize is was promised in the mission on release day, where as PH's and BB's are never promised. Keep in mind quite a few programs have been discontinued over the years. The game has been out 9.5 months now. The last month is always no content, so unless M21 is pushed back to late August like it should be, I would think PH or BB might not be available this year.
EA Orlando or technically EA Tiburon {acquired in 1998} has 2 games. Madden and NBA Live. That is it. That is their stable of games outside of anything being produced we do not know about and we know NBA was cancelled for the 2nd time in 4 years. So while that side of the building tries to find a way to produce a game, this side of the building runs consistently late with Madden content long before Corona.
If I was corporate, I would take a trip to Florida to find out why these 2 games have become so hard to make while everything else comes out on time.
It was mentioned below, but with the way they are doing the FAP “promo” I don’t expect it for two weeks.
No date has been set but the game usually drops mid-August
Fan Appreciation promo going on for the next week and a half.
how is that a promo give us garbage packs and making us pay for our appreciation 😂😂 what a fucking joke
or new promo info at all?