
Anyone know why Clint went on a non popular podcast interview?

Strange with all the top streamers and you tubers like kay Kay Es and others that don’t promote coin selling he goes on this guys channel and does this interview . The timing was strange to, like where was this all year ?


LOL this was like a hour after I made that EA at work post.


Ok kool but why this guy got the interview?


Actually it was a joke post I made that Jake and Clint took questions on zoom like those crazy stories I used to write in here a few years ago. Wild coincidence unless GMM announced he was doing it.

By the timeline he did this interview about a hour later. As for why.. My guess is the guy hit him up and asked and since the known Youtubers would of had their fans blast him with where is the next program... why does the game suck questions the whole interview in the chat box, he gave this guy the gig.

Oh and for those saying Clint is a nothing at EA, the guy highlighted him as LEAD DESIGNER of Madden 20.

-1 point

This was the Clint interview


Which one is he on?

2 points

Ron Burgundy asked him to


Ron burgundy 😂