
My 5 options for Free GT

Just a few notes before you guys start reading since I know some just want to see the list right away. These are in no particular order, and I choose these 5 based off what I would need to have a gold 99 at every position. I did take into account what potential UL’s are left and what a Position Heros promo might look like assuming we get one and of course pricing will play a major factor in the decision. If you agree or disagree with any of my choices feel free to let me know why you would/wouldn’t take that player for your free one

  1. RG3 - when looking at all the stats, to me RG3 just seems to be the better QB
  2. Julio - obviously this wouldn’t just be due to my love for Alabama, but also because he‘S maybe the 2nd/3rd best WR in the game
  3. Troy - Theres really not a MLB that can get gold 99 that I like (have Dallas Clark instead of Shaz) and depending on who the MLB for PH would be this is maybe a must have card
  4. Reggie - I don’t see the speed being that big of a problem, plus Reggie has always played well for me whenever I have him on the team
  5. Ramsey/Evans - Could use that 3rd solid shut down corner and these 2 almost cancel each other out with every other stat so it maybe a coin flip if I choose them.

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