
Let go of kittle for gronk?

Waller will be te1 for raider team can’t let go of 97 speed

But thinking of dropping kittle for gronk for the big target

I could get rid of Casper... but theme team x2 and he may eventually get a nice ul lol


Gronk has been a beast


I dropped Casper and now use gronk at te1 and Waller at te2 with Kittle at te3


Gronk has been solid for me moved Kittle to 2


Heck no- kittle is too valuable in the run game


I Use both in my Pats Scheme it’s easier to throw people off because you can run and get down the field with both specially chemed up


Nah, both are great blockers and receivers. Perfect for this years game. I get keeping Waller...don't know what his run blocking is...but it wasn't great. You can put Gronk and Kittle out there without it being obvious you're going to run.

Just my opinion.


I’ve gotten over this year, I’ve literally called it when I’m gonna run and put Andrew Thomas and lane Johnson on running downs lol


Kittle is starting to become irrelevant, Gronk is always a fun card to use