Ruggs is sneaky good. Love that Raider theme teams are always going to be pretty much set at WR, with Cooper / Ruggs as modern day cards, and Moss / Rice as expected legends, with the sprinkling in of Tim Brown and Fred Biletnikoff on the years that they get their rights.
That's not even counting the awesome TE options (Waller, Cook, and Casper this year) and potential breakouts with Hunter Renfrow and Tyrell Williams.
I replaced unpowered Tracy Porter with full power Jones, and I don't see a lot of difference.
Ruggs is super agile and quick. He is smooth in a way where he feels almost like he has HJS by default. But for me he fumbles if a defender looks at him wrong. I have him as my second kickoff returner and I prefer kicks to the FB over him because I know if I try for the run back it’s either a TD or a fumble.
Edited by AbstraktFists
Every corner gets burned because of the AI / programming interactions with WRs. You just have to be careful not to press too often....etc.
Ruggs the future raider goat
Literally couldn't stop this guy using Ruggs. Jones just let him catch and then tackle him, gets burn on slants...just unreal. I've played users that used Ruggs before, but never got burn this bad covered by Jones. WTF from a 5'11 WR.. lol I have Rice, T.O and Moss all getting out jumped by 5'11 secondary, buy my Jones can't out jump his 5'11 WR??? Madden needs to stop this BS or is it me? I'm in the plus on wins with about 60 more wins than losses, I don't think its me.