
How do we all ban together and stop fake 99’s from being created?

Yes I know this isn’t the Star Wars community and yes I know the GC’s incomes are dependent on this game- How do we prevent this from happening next year ?


By fake 99s do you mean 99s whose stats clearly don’t add up to a 99 or players getting 99s that aren’t deserved.

I mean the Star Wars community stood up to being microtransactioned to death but I guess we could take a stand on this.


After supporting the “Ban Fake Os” campaign, I don’t know that I have any energy left for this one.




Fake 99s? That should be the least of your problems in this game.. my opponents can have as many fake 99s on their team as they want lol


Its never gonna happen its just EAs way


U keep bitching on forums till ur ears bleed cuz it’s been working so well all these years