I wonder if extra month compared to last year is why GT prices mysteriously rose today
No thanks. Not buying it
Maybe they need the extra time to make it good? It’s definitely not the same release date as last year. Is my math right..3 more months to release?? Seems long.
Edited by bbqchicken608
I was playing M20 with EA access on July 25 last year.
So basically a three week + delay due to COVID-19.
That’s last year. If you remember it’s for the most part been released the last week or 2 of August. Doubt the virus has anything to do with it
You're right for earlier MUTs... but the past two years it was significantly earlier as EA realized they could get a jump on revenues. I do think COVID-19 delayed things for M21.
M20 - August 2, 2019
M19 - August 7, 2018
M18 - August 25, 2017
M17 - August 23, 2016
M16 - August 25, 2015
M15 - August 26, 2014
Edited by Ducati0307
Will madden 21 have a better release than Rodgers?
The last two years it launched significantly earlier. 20 had full release on August 2nd. That's the time frame it used to come out prior to 19, but it's difficult to say whether that was initially intended or not since it goes against the recent trend.
Looks like Madden 21 will be coming out August 25th for the early 3 day release. Right when it usually comes out so that’s good to hear
Here’s the link: https://twitter.com/themarksman13/status/1266458269804974081?s=21