
How does 99 over Michael Irvin play?

Been rolling with 99 gt Julio and 99 moss, but I kinda feel like Irvin is better after catch


Won like 6 games in a row with him. He was the focus of the passing attack. Afterwards, I realized I did not activate his abilities. So....he is amazing without abilities. Cowboys theme team.

Edited by dudeman768


He’s played phenomenal for me but most receivers play good with 4 abilities Active that’s why I would never tak3 that Julio nat even though he looks great only thing that’s different his height when Calvin gets a powerup expansion he’ll be the best receiver in the game


Played against him today and wasn’t impressed at all


Without abilities they are all the same, but with them Not anywhere near as glitchy as Julio. Can’t get evasive like Julio and not strong enough


What abilities do you use on him if QB has HRM?


Definitely a beast. He is as good as Julio, if you could keep both of em, do it. Didnt drop a single pass all day long, safe receiver.