
Eric weddle 98 card

I’m looking to buy or trade for a 98 career tribute card if anyone has one and is down. Trying to complete my chargers theme team


His highest card is a 85, but it's a veterans so it would get chargers chem


That’s what I thought, but I’ve been told there’s a 98 career tribute card that’s a “unicorn” card.


That’s madden mobile


Yeah, the version of this franchise that actually still gets content


I have his 85 veterans card but I’m pretty much maxed out on my chargers theme team. The only card I need to max out my team is the 99 UL Dwight freeney at RE to complete his power up even though I have a melvin Ingram, and deacon jones at RE powered up all the way already lol. Just trynna get every charger player maxed out on my team