What are the odds EA will actually fix the Ultimate Legend solos?
Pretty sure most of us are in the same boat and didn't bother to play the Ultimate Legend solos outside of the weekly limited time game that gave you the token.
Now it would be actually helpful to go back and play through them to get the power ups, coins, UL players. etc....you know....REWARDS for grinding this game.
And yet here we are, a week into June...and every time I go back beyond one previous week of those challenges I get booted to the main menu with a "server cannot process your request" error. This has been going on for MONTHS now. EA does nothing. I'm truly disgusted by the lack of effort and attention they have given this game in 2020, its embarrassing on every level, especially considering how much money they made the past year.
Pretty sure most of us are in the same boat and didn't bother to play the Ultimate Legend solos outside of the weekly limited time game that gave you the token.
Now it would be actually helpful to go back and play through them to get the power ups, coins, UL players. etc....you know....REWARDS for grinding this game.
And yet here we are, a week into June...and every time I go back beyond one previous week of those challenges I get booted to the main menu with a "server cannot process your request" error. This has been going on for MONTHS now. EA does nothing. I'm truly disgusted by the lack of effort and attention they have given this game in 2020, its embarrassing on every level, especially considering how much money they made the past year.