
Last Humpday of M20?? 🚫 🐫

My little rugrat turns 3 years old today, so in honor of him I’m gonna quit Madden for the year and give away some of my coins and mhc and whatever else y’all want.

As many of you know, 2-3 year old kids have a big temper and can throw hissy-fits a lot. (Similar for a lot of madden players 😏) but one thing I do to try to calm down my kid is to ask him slowly, “What do you want?” And if his answer is realistic, I give it to him. So I’m gonna try to implement that here by letting all you guys pick your own prize!

To enter, just tell me what you want to win.

Be specific. Don’t just say “mhc” or “coins.” Just lemme know exactly what y’all wanna win and I’ll try to make some wishes come true. Don’t lowball yourself but don’t think I’m giving everyone here a fuckin Julio or Mays either lol 🐫 😎 ✌️


Happy Birthday to your kid man awesome to have a great parent like you, I get it if you don't want to do this but you may have seen that I accidentally sold Josh Allen for 88k instead of 688k and I would just love to get him back so I won't make that mistake ever again. Also if that isn't a option for you I'd gladly take GT AP or GT Cam.


Pretty cool man. Happy Birthday to your boy! Miss mine being that young!!

I'd love a 99 OL. Or 300k coins PS4. You the man!


Enjoy your extra free time and your son. Looking back you will have many more memories with him then Madden.


yo im on ps4 blessings to the little man hook me up with some eagles players and bo jackson lmao nah fr cherish your family.. my dad is my favorite thing in my life!


Right on for the giveaway! If you’re on Xbox: Ray Guy or Pat Willis; if you’re not on Xbox, I’ll take any MHC you can spare but not more than 5 MHC :p Thanks again man and God bless you and your little one


Happy birthday to your son!! I’ve always appreciated the help you’ve offered to me and so many others. I’d personally love the 99 Lawrence Taylor card if possible, would love that as a Giants fan. I understand if that’s not possible, but thank you so much for all the help you’ve provided, and I hope your son has an amazing birthday!


Hope your son has a wonderful birthday, you’re one of the few positive things on this website, anyways that new Larry Allen wouldn’t hurt.

Edited by MustachCastach


Happy birthday to your son! The big 3 I’m happy for you brotha! As for me I would love GT Dawkins 👀 lmao that would be great or honestly any mhc

Edited by assassintwinkie


Congrats to your boy first and foremost.

Some MHC would be nice. Just whatever comes out of your heart that is a whole number lol.


Happy birthday to the future madden gamer....99PU pass


Heck yeah man gotta spend as much time with the kids as possible!! Hope y’all had a blessed day. Couple Mhc wouldn’t hurt lol or a card don’t matter bro just started last week, anything will help! Appreciate it


Good for u! I don’t need anything but hope your son has a great day!!


Check that the 99 kicker or Punter totally not greedy


Happy birthday little balls!


Lol surprisingly we don’t call him that 😆


Happy Birthday to your son! 1 mhc XD


Hey!!! GT Troy P!


Happy bday to your son man . God bless you and your fam bam !! Thanks for the giveaway . I wouldn't mind a 98 Hester if possible !

Big ups Ballsy! Thnx again man!


Great giveaway Ballsy and enjoy that time with your boy! Would love a GT to add to my squad - still enjoying WL at this stage of the game despite all the complaints about it!


All I want is 99 Walter and his 95 ZC card and 97 Mack and 98 Hester and 97 Olsen and and and....j/k nice giveaway....good luck to all


If this is still up I'd like to win a GT I don't care which one even if its Bulluck or maybe like 3 MHC. Also happy birthday to your son.

Edited by im_mccarthy