I was about to give him away then noticed he isn't worth it anymore. Super duper cheap, ohh well
Ya ive been putting off buying his pu for like 2 weeks now just cause it’s so high. So close like every day though to just say frick it and spend the 150k but I’m glad I waited. Remember guys, it’s always good to wait till you’re ready
Its the rp packs. Ive pulled 3 NTL powerups. Got excited and went to check AH and saw hes selling for 20k
Edited by nccane9
Thats weird and everything else went up lol.. could be a lot of people selling their teams off or people still doing the ntl set
Glad I sold mine when I did then 😂
I was gonna sell mine yesterday and pick up a different corner just to mix things up but at that price I might as well just keep him 😂
Dang lol i bought mine for 30k this morning.......guess its better than the 100k+ it was going for last night
What the hell happened?? It was going for like 150k just a couple days ago now it’s down to like 15k?? What did I miss? I know the game dead but that’s a crazy drop