
NAT TOTY Fantasy Pack

why did the new fantasy packs come up it shows what my personal limit is yet it won’t let me get it?


why did the new fantasy packs come up it shows what my personal limit is yet it won’t let me get it?


Quote from MaddenNFLFan1984 >> I pulled Harrison From mine! Saved me about 700k+ as I was planning to get him to go next to 99 Suh as I needed a Run Stuffer! So glad i was able to get one & still have 10k + SB Rings Remaining & hopefully they x2 it like they did with snow! 20k Training would be nice!

 Judging by the quicksell values compared to overall, it will probably be close to 1.5 rings to 1 training.


I still don't understand why a NAT pack would have a global limit, I can understand why an A/T card can need to have a global limit, but a NAT card doesn't really even have value on farms. It's not gonna kill the market so why not let everyone get 1-2 nat packs cheap?


Cause Ea sucks


I pulled Harrison From mine! Saved me about 700k+ as I was planning to get him to go next to 99 Suh as I needed a Run Stuffer! So glad i was able to get one & still have 10k + SB Rings Remaining & hopefully they x2 it like they did with snow! 20k Training would be nice!


man this limited shit with only a few people being allowed to get anything just pisses me off.  Done with this trash company, I even cancelled my Anthem pre-order too.  EA, never again.


I got one :)


Quote from Cammenator >> You see.. EA servers decide to crash when they drop the packs and everyone that can buy them buys them out in 24 seconds. :) 

 Damn thanks


Because there’s a global limit


You see.. EA servers decide to crash when they drop the packs and everyone that can buy them buys them out in 24 seconds. :)


Because EA Sux


It was a limit of 1000 for some reason. Ea really is the scourge of the gaming community


Cause EA is a trash company with trash servers