
We all need to stand up and make a change. We should not buy Madden 21

I know this isn't a Black Lives Matter Movement (Which I'm all for and I have went out and protested for BLM) and it isn't life or death this is a video game. I'm tired of playing a broken game and I am hoping you all are tired of the BS from EA as well. M20 was an unfinished product so I want my money back. We all deserve m21 for free for what EA gave us this past year, M20. If M20 was a movie or a book we would want our money back for a product that wasn't complete. If we where served m20 in a restaurant we would send it back because it wasn't cooked. So why do we put up with EA and their unfinished product? I'm done buying their products. This is the time to make a change. We are in a new World now and We should not put up with incompetence and lazy devs.

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