Squad is only a 91 overall and wanted to see how it would play in just 1 game. Got matched up with a 99 overall squad where dude had GT Lamar and Bo. Guess he thought with my low overall team he could just use Lamar to run all over us. 5 plays, 4 sacks he rage quits. I think I’ll stop there. Plus, Okuda is a very solid QB spy if you guys want to try it out for yourself
Squad is only a 91 overall and wanted to see how it would play in just 1 game. Got matched up with a 99 overall squad where dude had GT Lamar and Bo. Guess he thought with my low overall team he could just use Lamar to run all over us. 5 plays, 4 sacks he rage quits. I think I’ll stop there. Plus, Okuda is a very solid QB spy if you guys want to try it out for yourself