I’m new to the site this year, so I can’t compare it to “the good old days.” But I’ve really enjoyed being on it.
I mean others say this is a trash community in my opinion it isn't. This is an amazing community and especially on FNF.
This community isnt what is used to be
100% agreed amen brother sadly it never will be like it was in the old days my brother.
You have to be kidding. This community is cancer. I’ve never seen a collective group of people bitch and complain about something so much in my life. The negativity on this site is palatable. I can taste it every time I log in. I still don’t understand why I keep coming here. I can honestly say my hatred for MUT and EA stems from this site. Before coming here I just figured issues with the game were common and in line with every other video game out there. Especially online games like COD. I just dealt with it and moved on. But according to this site, EA is actively punishing its users for fun. It’s absurd. There are some good folks on this site, but the bad ones heavily outweigh the others.
Well I’ll tell you that it often turns into a mud slinging contests and a certain racist here thinks his standards are higher than God’s- but Rocketz, the mods do a good job of keeping it all in check- granted there are a few trolls and Nancy’s here but the majority are extremely helpful- if I ask for help defending out routes -rest assured I’ll get 20 helpful replies
Pity comment
Nice- 🥓🥓🥓🥓
The first couple months are really fun but it always starts feeling like I’m obligated to keep up- the real fun for me is seeing guys brag about their team on this forum and getting the heads up from slammer and the guys about what to do next- oh and getting trolled with one of Ballsy’s GIF’s