
Changes to MUT I’d like to see

This is something we all like to think about as the new Madden approaches, what would we like to see new in the game that would make it better? For me there are 5 things I would like to see happen in the future.

  1. Know where PUP are. Now I use a notebook every year to take notes of where my passes are, what kind of profit did I make off sets and other stuff like that, but for those that don’t this is easily the biggest help since it would save you so much training if you knew right away where they all are.

  2. Trade Block: For this one, let’s say you have GT Julio, but want to trade him for GT Calvin. I would like for there to be a way for you to put what you’re looking for (like we have now) and you’re card is blocked from any trades that’s don’t match what you’re looking for. So if you put you’re looking for a 99 FS Lions player you wouldn’t get a silver 67 center being offered.

  3. Auction House bid: I would love to be able to bid like you could in Madden 16 I think it was where you could manually put exactly what bid you on a card instead of each bid being little by little like what you can do on the mobile app. So let’s say you see UL Bo Jackson on the AH for 24 hours with a 7 million BN, but only 15,000 bid and you have 800,000 coins why shouldn’t you be able to put a bid of 650,000 right away? Isn’t that how bidding works anyway lol

  4. Set KO/KR formation in games. Let’s be honest, we’ve all been scummed kick or did it ourselves to the FB. Why not let me adjust my KR so I have 11 WR, CB and/or RB? I’ll take the risk of hardly any blocking being done.

  5. Promo Masters Team chem: Now I saved the most controversial one for last. I think ALL promo Masters (including level and MUT Master) should be able to get every team for their team chem, but any team that they actually played for gets X2 or X3 Chem. There are times where Promo Masters DONT really seem interesting for some people because said player won’t fit their TT. I love having Larry Fitzgerald on my team, but I can’t really use him on my Bears TT since he won’t get a boost like the others do. (Yes, I know Larry isn’t a Promo Master, just using him as an example)

Let me know your thoughts on these. Yes there are flaws for each of them, but I think there are way more upsides for them to be options we see down the road.

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