
Best non-ability WR: Terrell Owens or GT Kelvin Benjamin?



GT Kelvin if you want a rcvr to actually "catch" the ball...If not, go with Owens...Good Luck...BB135...


My WR Lineup: 1. PU Calvin (Activated) 2. GT Julio (Activated to try out having 2x wr, will probably change back but it's been fun) 3. PU Moss 4a. Slot GT Enunwa 4b. Slot Jerry Rice 5. Milk Duds

Kinda thinking about grabbing TO to sub out for Moss since he's not activated. They'll play about the same and TO can block.


Kelvin is a beast, period! Great in slot.


Kelvin no abilities is like having an abilitied WR


As far as I'm concerned they all play the same without abilities.


I like TO


TO. But without abilities they’re all pretty darn similar.


99 Owens is just as good as any of the GT receivers and he can plug right into many theme teams. Even if u don't have a theme team, he's great on any team.


I'd take GT Kelvin. He's thick.

I run UL Megatron & GT Julio as my top two WRs. Megatron with Abilities; Julio without. This works very well for me, as Julio gets catches even without Abilities that I don't expect him to make.


I don't have Megatron....but I found the same thing with Julio....he plays as well without abilities as any other receiver with abilities.

Now I only run abilities on Dante Hall....cause theres no other player in thw game that can break ankles with HJS like he a receiver he routinely takes short slants to the house...and he is by far the best kick returner in the game.


I'm running 1 PU Megatron, 2 Julio, 3a Slot Kelvin Benjamin , 3b PU Moss. 4 Tyreek Hill for KO Prs. Abilities on Megatron.