
So how’s Madden 21?

I welcome all positive and negative stuff. 2 Biggest question I’d like answered if anyone can provide it are: How does the kicking game feel compared to previous years since I think they said it’d be more skill based or something like that? (Could be absolutely wrong on what I might’ve heard). And how well are you noticing zone drops working? Are different coverages working better than others? Thanks to anyone who answers and see you all in August!!


it’s aight. don’t get the point of abilities now besides escape artist. just feels like a patch to m20, plus an increase in brightness


Zone drops work but they literally just cover deep so your adjustments will have to be on point for underneath stuff or it'll be a long day.
Pass rush seems to be nerfed.
QB releases are actually good. Rodgers should be stupidly insane.
Madden 16 Aggs are back (for now).
Pursuit angles are vastly improved.


Nice! Love to hear that about the angles! Just remember that we somewhat control what stays the same and gets changed. And what about the kicking game? Same as always or noticeably different?


Same as always no change that I can tell