
What to do with 1,000,000 TP?

Convert to 97 Theme Builders in Store and convert to coins?


That’s your best bet and enjoy the ride


OP, yes, convert to 97's and AH them.


Hope for a new promo


I was asking for realistic options, haha. :P


If you want quick coins- buy theme builders and sell on AH If you want to squeeze every coin out of it: re roll TD2 set pieces, QS everything that’s not an 83 or below, and put those (1 83-84 and 4 80-82s) into the combine piece set, make combine warrior tokens, and QS those for 10k a piece.


^^^This. Good advice. Man I just made a bundle. Thanks.


In for the give away


Whatever is fast


Game is over man, do whatever you want. I have like 1.7M collecting dust.


97 TB is your best bet


Nothing. You already won M20.


Yup, the Draft and TB2 rerolls are trash. Get the 97 TB MVP and turn and burn them for coin. Quick and you are assured 30K+ for each after tax.


They were all 45-50k today when I was looking. XB1 that is...


I'm on PS, but yeah most are 40K or more. You have to figure the tax as well to see what you really clear.


97 team builders - seems about the quickest way


U can't go nowhere if u just keep asking people what u wanna do. U have to do it yourself. U made that much points just spend it or save it, it's simple.


Wow, this advice... it was so impactful and wise... I feel like I can really be a better man because of it... Thank you! Thank you so much!


Glad I can help


Wouldn’t it be nice if it carried over to next year? 🤗


Even like 50% of coins/training would be awesome to start with. May help keep people playing also.


Something I wish for every year. But they make it so easy to be NMS now, so it's all good.


Most efficient or most profitable? 97 TB’s is probably most efficient and you’ll get a reasonable return rate on your TP. If you have time and want to grind for coins though, the TD2 for 1780 TP or whatever is still the move.


This is definitely the best options


Yeah, no time to grind. Just wanting to do the quickest transfer of TP to coins. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything.


take a pic and flex on reddit, then risk about 200,000 TP to get lucky maybe on the draft reroll? and if that doesn’t work out, use the remaining 800,000 on 97 Team Builders. This is what I did. Ended up making profit using the draft reroll by pulling those draft rookies outta there. it’s very hit or miss tho


Haha, no need to flex... I'm pretty much done with the game, just looking to see how I can get coins and then will move the coins. Sounds like it would've been fun to do a month back... now, I'm just trying to cash everything out. Just can't bring myself to power down my squad and sell of those pieces. :P


:/ draft reroll could net u more profit in the long run if u wanna risk. And u get the lil high from opening packs