
Which madden was worse 19 or 20?

Madden 19= Super lurks, Big nickel G crossers and Pavan 3-3-5 edit: snow conversion fail edit:sky kick off fail -edit: disappearing FG holder

Madden 20= near close flex,1-4-6 and dashing deadeye corner routes and Doug- Edit: Joke winning the belt with punter at QB-edit awful servers

20 easily. Worst MUT and worst gameplay since I started playing in Madden 15.

2 points

20 Every year it gets worse. But look on the bright side....20 is better than 21....

  1. Not close. Especially with no content these last 3 months of the game.
-1 point

I said from July 2019 at th release date that Madden 20 was just the same as Madden 19 just with a different cover art athlete. Gameplay in Madden 20 is worse, then I remember the extra point Kicker glitch in 19 and a thousand other flaws common in both versions. My vote is a Tie. Just a different cover art player.

Edited by PatriaNYG26


20 and it is not even close


I mean the dude won it all with a punter at QB. 20 has to be worse just on that metric alone...

-1 point

For me the tie breaker is the really long loading screens and having to go back to the main screen between challenges in 19 that madw MUT 20 better than 19 (for me personally)


Those loading screens were awful


Madden 20 had the better gameplay and content Madden 19 had the better balance/metas

Yes, Madden 20 had more, and better content, excluding summer.

Every layman out there will always say the current Madden is the worst. Next year people will be acting like 20 is better then 21, and the cycle shall repeat.


20 had the better gameplay??!! That's laughable considering the meta catered to bums who ran stretch most of the year.


..... did you, even read what I said?

Meta =/ Gameplay. I even said 19 had the better metas.

Gameplay, is player motion, gameplay mechanics, how the game feels to play.

Meta, is how you exploit balancing within the game. Two different things.

Edited by Disturbedxones

1 point

Both were awful, but I think 20 was worse because of Joke winning with a damn punter. And the fact that we haven’t gotten a promo for mooooonths


20, but I would say you can go back to M17 in madden tire fires.

-1 point

I truly hated madden 19 when October came around. I can't stand madden 20 anymore, but I played it a lot longer.

19 was pure trash

2 points
  1. It was close up until Superbowl. But man did 20 make a dominant victory in the second half.

Didn’t have 19 so not too sure


Ha, you guys must not have played MUT12. Let's just say we all had the same team and we opened up all having 99 OVR teams. They didn't do any new cards After December. We just had happy hour Fridays where they boosted the odds of cards we all already had. You could only have like 20 cards in your binder


oh yeah that was an awful year...


Yea, remember if you wanted the gold limited ghosts, you had to do "illegal" trades


20 without a doubt.