
Mut year in review. Just my thoughts..

I had some free time and just wanted to put my thoughts out there. Please let me know what you think I missed in either of these, I’m sure I forgot something along the way.

The year looks like it has came to a end so I just wanted to put out a review, my review of the year. What I liked, didn’t like, is like to see and what WE need. Promos for the most part were really good through February, especially after the Hurricane debacle. For the most part I think it was a good year content wise. Now....

What I liked... -Weekly “bonus” content during the season. MUT10 was nice, and NFL 100 was great (except for Dick)

-Theme Diamonds crazy good and blessed every theme team with decent never before used fan favorites.

-Power up expansions. Overall it seemed as though the content was fairly consistent after September.

-Golden Tickets It was nice to have them back. Although, the first couple weeks were atrocious! Glad they realized (with community pressure) the pull rates were incredibly ridiculous

What I’d like to see... -Mut Heros 2 return -Weekly promo after TOTW has ended (Replays M18) -Content after the Draft -LTDs with higher pull rates

What I hated.... -Lack of transparency! If it’s over end of May, just tell us. Half the community would move along, peacefully. Don’t string us out!

-The 4 pack refresh of Fan Appreciation! Let’s be honest. They knew they were done. What the did was try to squeeze every drop of pack sales they could before it got to late and everyone put 2 and 2 together to figure it out that it’s over.

-The tumbleweed on MDD Kinda felt like a slap in the face. That was the perfect time to let us know the content was basically over.

What I don’t want to see New power up expansions becoming a regular

The game is based off of making coin, that’s how most of you guys get your coin. I hope they don’t do the occasional “We don’t have time for content, let’s just throw some expansions at them”.

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