
Where is the Playbook Tool?

I'm sad that the Playbook Tool is not working anymore on MUTHEAD. It just goes right to the main screen. I really liked using it. Is anyone else having this problem???


I believe it says that Playbook GG has shut down as of July 1.

Here is a place you can access Playbooks.


This is incredibly helpful thank you!! One thing I dont understand.... One of my favorite formations is the Nickle 2-4-5 ODD. But I cant find it anywhere. Why is that?


Bucs live PB has it


Not familiar with that one...were you using it in Madden 20? Maybe by a search of a team that was using it?


I figured it out. It's a new formation added this year. That's probably why it's so hard to find. Its in a lot of playbooks... I use Green Bay's defense. It's a pretty versatile formation. I jump between Nickle 2-4-5 ODD and Big Nickel a lot.