
Unpopular Opinion on EA

A few disclaimers: 1. This is my 1st year playing Madden (Console) 2. I'm very disappointed that EA bailed hard on content 3. This is only about Ultimate Team, and the mode itself not the game play. 4. I've been NMS for every game I've played

So the last video game I played before madden 20 was 2k17. I remember in 2k17, the ways to make coins was very limited. It was hard to get anything remotely close to the best team possible by being NMS. You had to resort to hardcore and dedicated sniping in order to get flashy cards. Being NMS, I ended with around a 90 overall team. For context, most people who spent money had like 97+s. After the quarantine started this year, I copped M20 and started grinding Ultimate team. I had similar expectations to 2k and didn't think I'd be able to buy any of the cool cards like UL Moss or any GTs. To my surprise, EA had nice ways to make coins (Leveling up, NAT sets, 100k per WL), and I'm currently sitting at a 98 ovr despite making terrible decisions with my coins. I'm sure there are people out there who started later than me and ended with max 99s with all the best cards. Basically what I'm getting at is although EA did a terrible job this year with regards to content, I think they did do a good job of making sure everyone had a fair chance. In 2k17, an NMS team couldn't even reasonably compete. Now since this is my first year playing madden and I haven't touched 2k in years, I don't know if 2k is now the same or if EA was always like this, but these were simply my observations. Anyways, this is mainly why I get somewhat annoyed when people say EA is just trying to be a money grab when in reality they made it possible for anyone to be able to get a good team. Feel free to disagree, but just my thoughts.

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