
Well... That was mildly disappointing

Hey der boys, hello from da nort woods.

So as many of you know, I finished the God Squad some time back and that was awesome. So my next goal was to make a 50/50 Packers Theme team. This grind was actually a little rougher than I had expected it to be, but I finally finished it last night! Woot woot!

So then I take it into H2H to give her the old test run. Now, I'm no Madden God by any stretch of the imagination. I was just messing around and running coach suggestions. But everyone I played against ran the usual roll out corners and all that jazz and this team straight sucked donkey nut. Now, I started Rodgers over Brady because, well, I just had to. I thought, "Ok, maybe it's just Rodgers. Maybe if I throw old boy Brady in there I'll fair better."

WRONG. Still got straight smashed. So all in all, building the team was fun. Playing with it... not so much. Seriously, who the hell has fun throwing roll out corners in H2H in the final month of the game? Get a life lmao.

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