
PS4 Giveaway - GT Taylor Mays and GT Troy P (2 Winners - Closed)

Hey guys, going on vacation the next two weeks and playing time will be severely limited. With that said, I want someone else to be able to try these cards so I am going to go ahead and do a giveaway. The GT Mays in this post was won in a previous giveaway by ISunKizT so the least I could do is pay it forward. I won a Lott so when I get back ad want to play Lott will be able to take his place. There will be more coming at rapid fire pace over the next few days so I can get all high value cards out. To enter, please give me a brief description of your favorite team and why they are your favorite team. I will be putting the names through a generator. Must have 100+ posts to enter. Winners will be selected by noon tomorrow.

Edit: Our two winners are:

Dante88 - Taylor Mays GT gbetteri - Troy P GT

Please PM me details so we can exchange. Congrats guys.

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