Winner currently being decided!
Awesome! Good luck all and congrats to whoever the winner is.
I'll be working on getting him after I get AP, MJG and John Henderson. Not entering though. Cool giveaway, good luck everyone!
Favorite GT this year has been Dawkins fully powered up on a 50/50 Eagles TT. So many forced fumbles! PS4: Merica5728farm
I took Mays as the NAT reward and my goodness the card has been amazing. Feels so fast and fluid, and there’s been times I’ve been stuck on a different player making adjustments and the computer makes plays with him. My gamer tag is Admirablebadger
My Favorite GT is definitely Calvin (NAT ahaha) cause he is a hit stick monster! PS4 ~ Kyle_Kilner17 God Bless
I’ve only used my free NAT card. Calvin Johnson and he’s a beast. PS4: Sdog123456789 Good luck everyone and thanks OP
xbox and mays all the way
GT Dawkins. Thanks for the great giveaway!
Thanks for the giveaway! Gt Taylor Mays has been a goon
Imma keep this story short. So I was going to purchase some raffle tickets for Bo Jackson earlier and accidentally clicked on the wrong one and bought 2 tickets for GT Benjamin. I was even looking at the name I just bought a few tickets lol :/ and ofc I freaking won the GT Benjamin raffle! I don’t need the card at all like I would maybe try him but it’s NAT and I don’t want to let it sit on my bench! So I am gonna give him away! In order to enter you need to give me your PSN or Gamertag in the comments and tell me your favourite Golden Ticket you’ve used this year! Good luck to everyone! The giveaway will end sometime tomorrow night!