Just finished all 4 Journey Challenge ( BRUTALLY LONG ) ...now I can't decide which GT to get???
WOW Journey 1-2 was crazy tedious and LONG...with many almost full 5 min quarter games! At first I started this challenge to get GT Ramsey bc for 1-2 weeks, 99 PU Byron Jones was getting burned....now he's all of a sudden back to being a Shutdown corner.
So now towards the end of the challenge, i'm thinking GT Troy at MLB...but then he PU card is pretty cheap and can be used as a SUBLB..
I already have GT Julio and GT White...
Thinking about maybe FS Calvin....but I like my 99 Sean Taylor....
None of the GT LBs I feel are worth it...
And I have the 99 PU Bo Jackson.
What a dilemma....for all those hours of work...want a really fun/good card...as GT White was such a disappointment..
WOW Journey 1-2 was crazy tedious and LONG...with many almost full 5 min quarter games! At first I started this challenge to get GT Ramsey bc for 1-2 weeks, 99 PU Byron Jones was getting burned....now he's all of a sudden back to being a Shutdown corner.
So now towards the end of the challenge, i'm thinking GT Troy at MLB...but then he PU card is pretty cheap and can be used as a SUBLB..
I already have GT Julio and GT White...
Thinking about maybe FS Calvin....but I like my 99 Sean Taylor....
None of the GT LBs I feel are worth it...
And I have the 99 PU Bo Jackson.
What a dilemma....for all those hours of work...want a really fun/good card...as GT White was such a disappointment..