
Connecting to Ultimate Team through a hotspot- PS4

I recently moved and don’t have internet yet. I can connect to my PS4 via a hotspot from my iPhone, but can only connect to the KO stuff on M20. Won’t connect to ultimate team. Anyone have any suggestions or tips?


Thanks for the tips everyone. I'll give them a shot after work tonight. I don't need to play H2H just AH and solos.


did this a few times with my phone and xbox and had no issues! Crazy lag on H2H, but login into mut was never a problem

Edited by ollever99


H2h will be nearly unplayable but you should be able to do solos


Airplane mode on then off sometimes resets the signal and tower. Seems to work some of the time.


Been there, done that. Lag will kill your game.


It worked for me but the bandwidth was limited


iPhones and PlayStation’s... only way to fix them is to turn them off and then turn them back on