Has anyone else been having terrible connection issues in MUT? I’ve had so many games lately where all it does is lag a ton. It’s really weird! Idk I thought I should ask around here to see what’s up! Thanks
I haven’t personally
Dang must just be me lol! Glad u haven’t been having issues tho
Edited by ausguitar23
Not me
Played 2 WL games and had to quit in the first quarter
Yeah it’s been happening a ton to me too! Sorry to hear that
Think it’s just u AUS
Ok robc :(
haven't seen it personally - direct connection if possible helps a ton
Cool thanks
Has anyone else been having terrible connection issues in MUT? I’ve had so many games lately where all it does is lag a ton. It’s really weird! Idk I thought I should ask around here to see what’s up! Thanks