
Where do you stand on this "user" debate?

It's a pretty hot topic in the community and I want to know where ppl stand that have played the demo.

I wasn't a fan of it during the demo, but I feel the change was needed because nobody should be able to take away that many routes with one player.


Couple things to consider, I didnt play the demo, but I do know these things:

The "hacked" demo guys like gutfoxx got into, usering was improved and faster. Still slower then this year though

More importantly though, using regs teams has always never been a great indicator of how things will play in mut. No defender had crazy speed in the demo that I'm aware of. So it could turn out much differently in mut.

Overall I'm super for a minor nerf to the change of direction speed, AS LONG AS MY USER WILL PUT HIS HANDS UP WHEN I PRESS Y INSTEAD OF LETTING IT BOUNCE OFF HIS HELMET.


We need users with the way players react in zone coverage. Madden 21 will be all shootouts and defensive players such as myself that are average on offense are going to be at a HUGE disadvantage imo

Edited by Addict856


Take out the user altogether. That’s the only way to make it a true “simulation”


my concern is similar to what @jcsteel66 stated. we relied on our users being fast just because our players were unable to stay in the zones they were assigned. i need my user to be fast when my opponent is trying to throw a rollout corner and my corner stops with the route and tries to run towards the quarterback. i think it does more harm then good taking users speciality away. then again, this could all be bs and by the time ultimate team comes out and we see some real speed on cards, it’ll go back to the same. who knows!! usering is what makes defense fun, taking that away is just stupid. im not gonna play madden if the only thing that’s impactful is user rushing d-line lol


My problem is with nerfing defense as a whole. A slower, less agile user is fine if I can trust my zones to play the way they’re supposed to play and the pass rush can get home in a reasonable time. Otherwise, every Madden 21 game is going to be 42-35...


Yeah defense was super bad in the beta


Needs balanced but was adjusted to much in the demo. You should be able to cover your zone with good speed but not the whole field


I'm all for it. I've seen too many guys this year, blitz damn near their whole team but leave 2 over the top and Mays in the middle and completely take everything away

Edited by deckj2


Needs to be adjusted.... no way a user linebacker should be able to engage the offensive line after the snap and still be able to get back and user against a WR 30 yards downfield. Everybody should expect this to change... it was so lame watching linebackers catch up to WR all year. 90% of NFL receivers are gonna burn 90% of NFL linebackers. I seen situations where Kuechly can outrun a receiver that had a 10 yard headstart. In real life Kuechly isn't catching any starting receivers from behind.


Actually makes the game seem realistic 😱


I like it.....when i was playing the beta i just had to realize that all of my players werent 99 everything lol


User will be better once cards get better they always are. If users are weakened by much you won’t be able to stop any competent player.


The current Lurker ability on 20 is way overpowered. I wont be playing 21 but they need to change it


I didn't play the demo beta but from what I'm reading it could be a good thing. I always feared passing everytime knowing how easy it is to cover multiple routes. Now it can take away from people spamming run plays and have a chance to throw and mix it up etc


Absolutely terrible. Usering without Lurker is completely fine.

Edited by saadmurt


Makes gameplay more realistic, I’m all for it


agree with you - 100%


I hope they stay nerfed. I am sick and tired of users starting out showing blitz and picking a pass 30 yards downfield on the opposite side. I know everyone loves it but it is insanely unrealistic.


Facts players are all against the Nerf


Needs to be somewhere in the middle of the two


Balance like a lot of parts of the game that also need it.


My buddy played the beta. Normally top 50-100 WL.player. He absolutely hates it. Saying you can't change direction wirth a dam. You have to be a dline or a sorry user. Safeties arent much better then linebackers. Says if you get picked off, cause your bad at passing, no user.

Idk, Id like the fact that 1 guy cant float 20+ drop bavk with a te, and then be covering a dam in right.


Apparently they made it a bit better from ppl who were able to still play the demo after the trial expired


I thought they reopened it? He was playing a few days ago


There was a way to keep the beta going on franchise. Still is as far as I know but i didnt enjoy it so never tried.


i completely agree with your point about not wanting the user to be able to take away that many routes. Its such a tough balance of making controlling the user the skill gap for Madden and not making it too powerful. I would need time to think how they would do it but... its tough


I only used the chiefs mlb and he was extremely slow. Thinking their won't be an issue once we start getting faster cards