Same, ripping packs for fun is great, I do pack battles with my 8 year old. Wow the coins disappear as even half price, you lose on most packs
They seriously need to go back to how it was. Ppl pay for the game, let them farm if they want
This; so much better and fun years back when you could farm promos and be strong NMS.
Also there was probably a big percentage of scams
For reals. Like I would sell the LT that I have just to rip more legends packs haha. Just chasing more GT for the thrill of it.
I'm at 18/24 myself.
I’ve pulled 6... was shooting for 10.
I pulled 2, and one was Barr which I sold. The other is Cam. I grinded TD2 for everything else lol. Mind numbing.
you could auction traded players.
I know the game is over, I’m just tryna rip packs for fun.