
86 cents

That is the total cost difference (when factoring in cash back) between me downloading the MVP ($100) edition and walking into a store with cash to buy Madden 21. As many of you know, EA access can be combined with the Madden 20 menu discount to drop the $100 price to $80. Then tax comes into play so we are at $85.81. Next is the part that most people can (but probably don’t do). Buy the game with gift cards purchased at a discount. I’m not saying go to some sketchy site or buy potentially stolen cards. Just last week Dollar General had 15% off Xbox gift cards. I’ve seen eShop and PlayStation on sale there as well a few times a year it seems. So 15% of $85.81 is $72.94. Now comes the “technically didn’t save that money” part. I get 1% back on my card. Also pretty standard (you may even get more). I get 8% back on all MS store purchases. 9% when you combine the two. That 9% is $7.72. So $72.94 minus $7.72 and we are at $65.21. Or I could buy standard with cash for $64.35 (86 cents less).

My point in this is that I see some people posting “which version should I buy” or “is (X) edition worth it?” And the answer is if you are smart about it, the price difference is negligible. Most of you asking have probably already assumed you’re spending $60 on the base game (minimum). Why not make that money go further?

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