
I was playing MUT... then this happened! Beat the #1 player

So I was just playing my usual late night H2H seasons, and I loaded into the game. I looked at the guys gamertag and I thought I recognized it! So I’m playing the game and it was a sweat fest! The guys offense was so hard to stop although I was dotting his defense quite a bit ;)! So after a long sweat fest he’s at my 3 yard line and I’m up by 2 points or something with about 2 mins left! I stop him on 1st and 2nd then on 3rd I grabbed a sweet lurk pick! Then made a huge drive to go up by 9! He drives down in like 30 seconds and scores but I end up getting the onside and run out the clock! It was a nail biter at the end for sure! Final score was 21-19! Then the best part, I load out and go check top 100 and guess who I just beat! The #1 ranked player I SphynxDaddy I ! For me that was really cool because I started MUT really late and haven’t beat anyone that was a at least a top 100 opponent or something! Just thought I’d share because it was such a thrill for me to beat the #1 player! Edit! He’s the #1 ranked Xbox MUT player not PS forgot to add that so added so no one is confused haha!

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