
Thoughts on the lack of release of gameplay footage?

I don’t remember when gameplay was released last year, but it seems like EA doesn’t want anyone to see the gameplay until all of the pre-orders are in. The only thing I can equate that strategy to, would be when movie companies don’t let critics see a preview of their new movie because they know it’s ass and they don’t want the negativity out there before release and kill box office receipts. Understandable. There is enough negativity surrounding Madden every year, and rightfully so, but I’m guessing EA doesnt want to add fuel to the fire. Think about it, if there was some super awesome gameplay to be shown, they would have shown it by now to get MORE preorders. It’s the only thing that makes sense to me.

Any other opinions on why they haven’t released game play footage?


They haven’t started working on it yet due to COVID.


It’s frostbite so we already know it’s cheeks- last year was the 1st time I can remember when EA didn’t buy commercial advertising during NFL games


Take it in stride my guy. They’re gonna do what they’re gonna do. Best we not expect too much now


At this point, there wouldn’t be a need or a point to gameplay footage. It’s so close to release date, it seems pointless.


Yeah. We had the beta that’s about all we’re gonna get


If everyone got a chance to play it, that’s one thing, but that wasn’t the case. They have to be hiding something. It’s all I can think of


True. They kind of made it real easy to get though. I couldn’t imagine wanting to play the beta and not being able to get a code. They were posting 20 at a time for both consoles every hour on Instagram, Twitter etc. gave hundreds of them out to NFL teams to share on their accounts too.