
Unpopular opinion- remove physical chems

Look at this example... Bob- who’s the best CB of all time Jeff- Deion Sanders, his speed sets him apart from the other top corners Bob- yeah but I have ntl chemmed up to 99 speed

-1 point

Heres a different idea; make it so players with a 99 stat (without boosts) can be boosted with physical chems past 100, and guys with say, 97, 98 speed cant go past 99. So you still have that separation.


I’m with you man

2 points

Not unpopular

I’m with you

1 point

I’m with it. I hated having a Chiefs theme team where Okoye and Tyreek we’re separated by 1 point in speed. Fun, but so cartoonish and silly.

2 points

Go the distance. Buff up team chems to include a potential speed boost.

And go further And a debuff for division rivals. Or clones

Say you get matched up with Division team. Minus 2 to all stats. That way everyone wouldnt be tempted to run :ie: best theme team, could be potentially nerfed. Remove physical chems

I’m down with this. Boost theme team boosts and get rid of physical chems


i wish they would have continued to build on the team chems from madden 17, give 16 teams an offensive chem and the other 16 teams defensive chems. i loved building around texans defensive chem and could still sprinkle in players from other teams.

-3 points

Get rid of team chems ( which I desperately want to happen) and NOW its an unpopular opinion.

Edited by ThermonuclearDud

-1 point

We all know you hate theme teams and think that "theme teamers arent real madden players". Let it go.

-1 point

If you remove physical chems people would just run the same players. They kinda do anyway but I do see different players in each game sometimes. I like it because I can use people like Alshon, Ertz, Westbrook and still win most of the games I play. I don’t need the best players at every position


They aren't " different" players, they are the SAME players with different names and numbers on the uniforms. What overpowered physical and team chems do is create a giant mass of 99 speed players that are all over the key thresholds and play the same.

Truuu. Only way to really see different players is to boost theme team boosts and get rid of physical chems


Get rid of physical chems but keep the physical boosts for theme teams is fair IMO.


It's a totally different game when I play MUT draft - much more fun at times


The chemistry system needs overhauling but if it isn’t, more emphasis should be made on theme teams rather than just essentially paying for more speed

-1 point

I would love to see physical chems and abilities go in the trash, before it was easy to switch teams up. Now with power ups required for physical chems, and you lose 50% of the training when powering down, it kills changing your team around which was a lot of the fun in MUT for me.


They just need to go back to set Red abilities for players and remove the Superstar abilities unless they some how figured out how to balance them in 21

1 point

Remove ea sports


Meh, keep them that's not the issue. Abilities has ruined MUT


I don't think it would be a terribly unpopular opinion because it would make the game more realistic. I can understand not wanting to negate a certain player's actual physical advantages with arcade style upgrades that wouldn't be possible in real life. Then again, you can say that about any of the chemistries.


I’d agree with making it more realistic. Team chems improving catching, route running, carrying, throw accuracy, etc make sense. Speed though?