Yeah, I'm curious about the same thing. Spike was more of a LOLB. I have him, but haven't fully powered him up yet
Powered up spikes and you can change positions
Waiting to hear the same thing....I really hope so! I'm running Bills/Cowboys theme team and am staaaaaacked at MLB, run a 4-3 and have no OLB's. Sucks!
I run a 4-3 as well with a bills theme and didnt have a chance to dive into any defensive playbooks yet during trial. What defensive playbook are you using if you dont mind me asking? Last year I used the Jags for most of the year, and so far have only used the Bills D.
The past few years I’ve used the Cowboys but so far this year I’ve used Bills. Will probably use Cowboys again since Bills doesn’t have Big Nickel. Also, I’m not a cheese/spam blitzer that watches YouTube. I just play straight up and use the plays in playbook as designed....FWIW.
You sit in palms or cover 3, right? Saw you playing vohes on twitch a few weeks back. I think you would've won if he wasn't sending the crib every play. Handle yourself pretty nice.
Haha really? I don’t even know who that is....I play base 4-3, cover 3 or base nickel cover 3. I lost to this guy? Dang....hopefully I at least put up a fight.
Just wanted to know if you can change positions.