pulled 88 Zack Martin, 87 Derrik Henry , and 87 Mitchell Schwartz within 7 packs.
I hope pack odds stay this way for these packs.
I pulled an 84 and broke even over 3 packs and stopped.
I have pulled 88 gil, 87 hop, 87 shwartz, 86 julio, 2 tyreek power ups, AD power up, 5 86, 5 85, and 20-30 other elites
How much do they cost?
Pulled 84 K Butler & Khalil Mack’s PU in only 3 packs. Good value there.
pulled 88 Zack Martin, 87 Derrik Henry , and 87 Mitchell Schwartz within 7 packs.
I hope pack odds stay this way for these packs.