2 of the 25 were Power Ups. They're officially in the exchange sets now. Sell your Power Ups, they're probably going to go way down in value now.
About to do 25 of the high silver exchange sets, we'll see if they've been added. Did 100 a few days ago and not a one.
I pulled a power up in a 75-79 exchange pack just now.
mee too dude i think they just got added
Yep I just pulled a powerup in a 66-69 exchange.
I am sure it's unannounced because they don't want the headache of make-rights for the tens of thousands of exchange sets in the past week.
I've yet to pull a single PU card from any pack or get one from any exchange set.
Hell, I've yet to have a rookie gold exchange set hit the 72 minimum to go into the Simmons master. 70 after 70 after 70.
Yes, I'm bitter.
I think all the low p sa packs are nerfed. I opened 30 gap packs and only got two 70 golds and the rest silver, no power ups. I have never seen those that poor before.
Just pulled a JuJu powerup out of an exchange pack. Time to clear my binder of the silvers I have been saving.
I have gotten almost none out of normal packs but got tons out of the team pre order packs
i just got my first one from the slow to high silver exchange, maybe they are back now?
Team fantasy packs may be decent then for teams with expensive power ups. Surprised the power ups aren’t even higher in price tbh, since they’re not in exchange packs.
You can pull them out of any packs except for the exchange sets. I did hundreds of exchange sets today and not one power up.
Unreal how expensive the <70 power ups are because they aren’t in the team gold packs
I don’t get why jamals power up is so fucking much it is a 72 so it should be in the golds shit is 100k I can get like 50k but Jesus I ain’t paying for that
Team fantasy packs are a lot better for pulling power-ups than GAP and exchange sets. And yes, that is a change.
I've pulled a decent amount of 70-74 exchange packs and 75-79 exchange packs without pulling a single power up. Were these severely nerfed/removed from these packs? It seems if they're only available in store/pre-order packs, power ups should eventually go up in price also?