Once the main release happens you’ll have an opportunity to find the golds a bit easier. The market always does the same thing. It drops with new players or a promo, then raises back up due to stale-flation. People who have the pre order have already popped packs. 80’s got all the way down to 7900 and now they’re back up to10k. People are trying to do these sets to rip up from launch. There’s less people buying, more demand because these players are all die hards and people are Saving for the first legend weekend. Gotta play the market. Weekends are cheap good days too
Hang in there. Game is not even out yet. I did Heath Miller and may do Akers but that's it.
only worth it if you want to actually grind for barry otherwise buy the players outright. also doing the sets give you player, powerup of the player and the set token for barry
I am definitely too late doing these i'll have like 6 cards already in the set and still lose 50k now doing the set and selling players for different teams did 6 and i think im giving up