Congrats aus now get 21
Pre ordering tomorrow so I can download and play tomorrow night! Sorry I’m a noob and getting the normal version haha!
SBs are not easy, I won many more SBs in the wildcard, divisional, and conference championship games than I have in my own Super bowl. I roll my eyes when I get a superbowl in the regular season
Edited by user789540
Yo sorry I misread your comment haha! Totally agree they aren’t easy my bad 😂😂😂
Well for me it wasn’t it took me this long to win my first! I only started MUT April tho
Congrats, don’t let others try to take away from your accomplishment. Perfect example of toxicity. Keep it up man! Good luck on your journey to the next one!
Thanks man! Fax tho! I won’t let that happen to me this is an accomplishment!
i think hes saying he won it on m20.........which makes sense bc all the good players left
Congrats! Let me know if you want to unload some of those M20 coins!
Lol maybe! Tryna trade them for MHC! U staying on 20?
Edited by ausguitar23
hell yea grats man
Thanks bro! Great way to end off Madden 20 that’s for sure!
Edited by ausguitar23
Most of you have probably seen my threads about not winning a MUT super bowl well guess what?! I finally won one! Actually 2! Well the first one the guy disconnected before the game even started lol so I kinda counted it but I actually just won one! No disconnect! Perfect timing since I will be buying 21 on Friday! Just thought I’d share because I’m sure everyone wanted an update ;) lol! I’m also on a 20 game win streak rn lol! THIS IS MADDEN 20 LOL! incase anyone was confused