Literally every single game i get in lamar jackson is the f’ing qb. Spam crossers sit in the pocket for 20 min the as soon as youre about to get sacked run backwards and throw the ball away. Let me also mention that contains do not work on this dude because he is way too fast for any d end or linebacker in the game.
I know i already posted about this but im at the verge of quitting until some faster dlineman and backers are put in the game. EA literally made it to where pass rush is non existent so you have to spam man coverage and pray that your opponent makes a mistake.
Literally every single game i get in lamar jackson is the f’ing qb. Spam crossers sit in the pocket for 20 min the as soon as youre about to get sacked run backwards and throw the ball away. Let me also mention that contains do not work on this dude because he is way too fast for any d end or linebacker in the game.
I know i already posted about this but im at the verge of quitting until some faster dlineman and backers are put in the game. EA literally made it to where pass rush is non existent so you have to spam man coverage and pray that your opponent makes a mistake.