If coach Madden comes out, there has to be a way to democratize him. I don’t like that the people that get the advantage of having him tiered up are either really really good at the game, cheating/cheesing the game, sharing accounts, or playing the game as their full time job. As it has been the last several years, an average player playing the game a LOT, still can’t keep up. The best players, the cheeses, the account sharers, the full-timers, they already have the advantage of the best cards, why do they need to have a Coach Madden advantage as well?
Actually, I want team chems gone.
Of course, the easy fix would have been to just cut every stat by 5 when the game dropped. Idiots would whine about it but the game would be fine. You just recalibrate the overall formula.
IMO the game is called Madden, named after the guy. He should should be in the game each year until they stop calling it Madden
Considering EA quit last year in April we need all of these boosts to have top end cards before they give up on the game.
Not every players needs to reach 99 speed. Unless you think Steve Atwater staying with Tyreek Hill step for step makes sense. That’s probably something you should have Deion Sanders for :/
Its a sick get game by EA. Coach Madden is coming but they aren't saying. Yet the only strategy unis/coach/stadium you can upgrade right now is the coach. They just want the training wasted so they get more money.
You assume EA wants to play the game out longer. Remember last year when they packed it in March? If you wanted to keep the guys on your squad who EA shafted by not producing new content having Coach Madden helped. I personally don't feel like his plus 1s are huge advantage. It does however give me a reason to get trophies for that false sense of accomplishment when I max him out.
i want coach madden ...
You don’t benefit from having coach madden.
still want that card ...
Madden is part of the game. Just don't OP him. I loved Coach Madden before this game and it was his name that gave it legitimacy. I say keep him in and nerf him a bit.
People have been asking for the removal of at least one of these: (1) physical chems; (2) power ups.
The removal of one of the above would push end game back as much as 6 weeks because it would be harder to reach the speed cap. Of course, the problem with the removal of one of the above is that we would lose a huge coin/training sink, thereby making cards and packs worth less.
I personally did not consider the removal of Madden as an alternative to removing physical chems or power ups. The removal of Coach Madden is a smart move because it pushes endgame back at least 6 weeks without having a detrimental impact on the economy. If anything, it keeps more coins in the market because people will use series trophies EXCLUSIVELY on things that yield coins, thereby keeping values up.
PLEASE KEEP MADDEN OUT; or at least please reimagine how he would be used so that we do not get to endgame sooner.