they also need to fix getting stuck at the loading screen when playing squads 2 years in a row I can barely play because it just locks up at loading screen..
It's pathetic how bad Squads is. Getting a game without the loading glitch is bad enough but the QB glitch is unforgiveable.
True EA needs to fix both issues I'm sick & tired of having to close out the app 20 times a day cause of the loading screen glitch
I didnt see it in patch notes either but it was mentioned in the stream this morning its planned for the update. So hopefully its in there.
If you've made a tweet, link it. I'll pass it along. As these hashtags grow, they won't be able to continue to ignore.
I'm sure others outside of the MH community will see and join along.
Legit only reason I play the game... so broken. And they just don’t care.. sad
Patch notes for the title update next week drop and not a single mention of the MUT Squads QB glitch you have to be kidding me?! Personally squads is the only reason I buy the game and if I’m not gonna be able to play it for the first three months I have the game I might as well just get rid of it what an absolute joke. We need to start #FixMUTsquads on twitter